Weight management
800.0 ман./.т
For people over 70 kg, our Hydraine, MetaUp, Calorie Block and LesSweet tablets are made from beneficial herbs that are not harmful to the internal organs, and will get you tired in no time.
Ayhan Faberlic online söwda.
Faberlic Detox foot patches
250.0 ман./.т
Helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
Normalize metabolism, strengthen immunity
Increase skin elasticity, rejuvenate, eliminate acne
Contribute to weight loss
Improve digestion, help with constipation and indigestion
Effective for rheumatism, pain in the joints and spine
For external use only. Do not use for children under 14 years of age, people with skin allergies, open wounds, eczema, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
Face cream Blur BeautyLab
250.0 ман./.т
15 minutes - and you're ready! The BeautyLab series are products for instant skin transformation. Enhance your natural beauty and get rid of imperfections in no time!
Blur face cream is ideal for creating natural makeup.
Instantly leaves skin smooth and matte
Evens out skin tone, disguises wrinkles, pores and other imperfections
Doesn't clog pores
The Novaftem-O₂® oxygen complex delivers oxygen to every skin cell, energizing it.
AÝHAN Faberlic online söwda