Anev city,Magtymguly village, 3rd km south of Magtymguly street Turkmenistan/Ahal region

About Us
"Nesil" – Generation. This name was chosen to express the importance of family values and their transmission from generation to generation, which is one of the most important traditions of the Turkmen people.
The “NesilCoffee” factory is one of the large-scale factories for the production of coffee and coffee products both in Turkmenistan and throughout Central Asia.
“NesilCoffee” from Turkmenistan is pleased to present our premium-quality products, which will be the perfect choice for your business. We offer high-quality roasted coffee beans, as well as unique 3-in-1 coffee blends with various flavors that will provide our customers with an exceptional coffee experience. Our products are ideal for cafes, restaurants, and home use.
Our products and Services
- Roasted Coffee beans coffee Intenso (1kg)
- Roasted coffee beans coffee Classic (1kg)
- Roasted Coffee beans coffee La Crema (1kg)
- Roasted Coffee beans coffee Speciale (1kg)
- Roasted Coffee beans coffee Espresso (1kg)
- Instant coffee “3 in1” Caramel Latte (one package 20pcs 400g)
- Instant coffee “3 in1” Vanilla Latte (one package 20pcs 400g)
- Instant coffee “3 in1” Cappuccino (one package 20pcs 400g)
- Instant coffee “3 in1” Coffee Latte (one package 20pcs 400g)
- Services / Catering, food delivery
- Food / Food, other
Business Segment
- Manufacturer
- Wholesaler
- Retailer