About Us

Individual enterprise “Kanagatly Onum” specializes in services related to the development of environmental documentation for technology ensuring environmental safety.

Our environmental services:
1. Development of an environmental passport (updated every 5 years)
2. Development of an EIA (environmental impact assessment, developed once for the study of a facility under construction - a power plant, a cement plant, asphalt, polyethylene materials, etc.)
3. Development of an environmental protection plan (environmental protection plan, developed once for all facilities under construction)
4. Development of MPD (maximum permissible discharges into water bodies (into the sea, rivers, etc.), updated every 3 years)
5. Development of MPE (maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere, updated every 5 years)
6. Development of a draft of waste generation standards and limits for their placement (PNOOLR)
7. Development of a waste passport
8. Development of a waste management plan
9. Development of an action plan to prevent or mitigate (reduce) negative impacts on the environment from emergency situations (applied and for ISO 14001)
10. Environmental monitoring
11. Environmental audit

Our services for boiler projects:
1. Development of operational documents (duplicates) for boiler supervision facilities in operation, in accordance with TDS-2.601 safety rules.
2. Development of operational documents (duplicates) for pressure vessels
3. Development of operational documents (duplicates) for steam and hot water pipelines
4. Development of reconstruction projects
5. Design, modernization and modification of boiler supervision facilities
6. Design of boilers, development of installation projects and layout of boiler supervision facilities.

  • Services / Environmental protection
  • Services / Engineering and construction services
Business Segment
  • Manufacturer
  • Service